Would You Trust This Company


Please enter below details of your experiences with the company you wish to have logged on this web site. We will contact you to confirm details and to obtain further information so that we may produce a report that other users of www.WouldYouTrustThisCompany.org.uk can be sent if they want to learn about a company. Please remember the more information we have the better awareness every one else will have and hopefully will avoid the problems you experienced. This site pools information for the benefit of all the public and we hope that it will become and invaluable guide to which companies can be trusted. Please remember the more detail you give the better. Lets all help each other, thank you in advance for your submission.

The same form can be used to request details of a company. We will email you with the details we hold on the company in question for your reference. We always attempt to confirm the details we have but this information should be considered for reference only and the final decision is still your own.

First Name
E-mail Address
Problem Company
Date When Problem Occurred
Details Of Your Problem Company

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